Course Correction

At Reaching All Women our desire is to help God’s daughters become the kings & priests they’ve been called to be & to walk in the understanding of their dominion in Christ(Revelation 1:6). With that being said, we believe it is needed for us to talk about the importance of transparency & truth. In the epistle of James to the body of Christ James spoke about confessing our trespasses to one another that we may be healed(James 5:16). And although it is talking about physical ailments it also has just as much bearing in the emotional, mental, and spiritual realm.

Oftentimes it is easy for us as disciples of Jesus to get caught up in one of these four realms(physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) but not have a healthy lifestyle of all. And that is where we want to thrive here at RAW. Having a sound balance of every aspect of life isn’t attainable by ourselves though(many have tried, all have failed). That’s the reason why James said we have to confess our trespasses to one another that we may be healed.

God knows that all of us are in a different position spiritually speaking. Truthfully speaking, there’s always going to be someone who’s higher, deeper, & smarter than us concerning the things of God. And that is for benefit! The Lord has created us to be unique, yet still dependent on the help of our brothers and sisters. Because people are higher than us, they can help us grow without having to go through the trials and tribulations that they did in order to get to that point. Basically it’s Jesus design to have each generation becoming greater than the last. Thus leading us to understand that it takes humility & submission to each other in order to receive the healing & correction we need as the children of God to become the people He’s called us to be.


Reaching All Women – All Women For God’s Glory