Amber Ballou

Project Manager

Amber Ballou serves as the Project Manager for RAW events and ministry connections.

I am here to illuminate the Word of God & point to the light of Holy Spirit in dark places, praying others see themselves as Christ Yeshua does. You can find me at the RAW events sowing in praises: singing & dancing shamelessly or praying fervently for the body of Christ.”

“…behold, a whirlwind of dust came of north, a fire wrapped itself into a great cloud; a brilliant light within and covering it and out of the midst of the fire radiating something like gleaming amber.” -Ezekiel 1:4

Amber is married to Justin, who serves their community through his small business. They partner in ministry at Codorus State Park in the summer and are blessed to homeschool their five children. She’s an ordained pastor with Harvest Network International and graduate from Lancaster Capital Seminary.

RAW Project Manager

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