Jessica Misner

Worship Leader

My name is Jessica Misner, and I am originally from the southeastern end of York County in Airville.  I have been a registered nurse for 12 years and an EMT for 25 years.  While I was called away from bedside nursing for a short time, God brought me back to the Hanover Hospital Emergency Department, where I have realized how much I have missed ER nursing!
My husband, Jerry, and I have been married for 16 years as of May 24, 2024.  We have three AMAZING children that God has blessed us with after being told that we may not be able to conceive any.
God has shown me that the world cannot provide me what I need, and that only He can do immeasurably more than what I could ever hope or pray for myself.  I have also been blessed with an awesome select group of women that pray for me, love on me when I don’t love myself, and hold me accountable when I need it!  I could NEVER make it through this world without community and Jesus (coffee and gel pens help too, though).
Worship Leader

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