The Power of the Love of God

The love of God is a mystery that we can never fully understand but is something that we’re always experiencing in deeper measures as we walk in a love relationship with the Father. It is a deep, abiding love that is full of joy, kindness, and truth. It is a love that is always there for us, no matter what we have done. It is a love that is powerful and patient, and it always leads to miracles, signs that point us to Himself and wonders. We can trust in the love of God completely, and we can be sure that it will never fail us.

The love of God leads us to change. It shows us where we’ve hurt the Lord by being something counter to His nature in our thoughts, speech or actions & it leads us to change. It leads us past fleshly insecurities & downfalls and empowers us to become the person that Jesus has destined us to be. Not by our own might or will but by His Spirit being more than enough for us to be made new in Christ.

The love of God is what kept so many of us from going to hell even when we were well deserving, and the love of God is what was patient enough to wait & have mercy upon us while we were yet sinners.

This love that tore the Son of God to pieces in the most humiliating way possible is what drives us here at Reaching All Women to be all that that God has designed us to be. Soul winners, and disciple makers of the Lord Jesus everywhere we go.