The Infallible Truth Of God’s Word

There is no other book in human history that it is as widely transcribed and accepted from generation to generation than the Holy Bible.

The Bible has been translated into more languages than any other book in history. It has been read by more people, studied more, and quoted more than any other book ever written. Its influence on Western civilization is immeasurable. The principles found in the Bible have led to advances in science, medicine, government, and education.

Here at Reaching All Women, we firmly believe & demonstrate that the Bible is the inspired Word of God that was given among men that carries eternal truths of who our Creator is. We place our full faith in God’s Word & stand on nothing else as our foundation, knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today & forever.

Our goal at Reaching All Women is to convey this message: every word that God has spoken is true & He cannot lie or change. Because of that understanding, we know we can trust Him now & forever in every circumstance, trial & situation: good or bad.